Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Sunflowers

hello my sunflowers!
can you see past the clouds yet?
is there something broken inside of you,
or is it them?
just because they can't hear the voices,
they say they don't exist!
maybe they just didn't listen
when you hissed, "Don't jinx me (bitch)!"
the broken can't fix me
but they can grind the truth
so fine you can sniff it.
just remember the sun there
remember, the sun cares
and you're not alone here
we've all had relations with fear
and questioned the reasons why we stay
but behind the sky, and hidden in it
you'll find the sun basking in it
not 'cause you've got a condition
but because of the conditions you live in
your feelings - trying to bottle it up and sell it
why not let it be?
Yes, I'm a machine, you see.
it's not easy, but someone's gotta do it;
see the tragedies and the you that kids within it;
not only they the scenes
but be one with the series and live with it.
So thank you, sunflowers
and all the good in you
For you like the stem cells
and they love your truth.

Dedicated to: Zipho Sidumo
Inspired by quotes from: 'Stunt', 'Leah', 'Beast', 'P-Lady', 'Oatie-san', 'Triple C's', 'Phat Batman', and 'T2'

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